
Tutorial in getting started with markdown files.

This project is maintained by ijborda


Part 1

Make a markdown file of the following tutorial: HPC Logging in

Additional notes:

Part 2

Recreate the following:

Part 2 Exercixe

Part 3

Create a task list showing that you accomplished this exercise. Link by reference your solutions for each task. Also, place your names below the file. Your names should be a link that when clicked, will redirect you to your email. Sample: Imari Joy C. Borda

Useful Resources:

Finish Products (screenhots)


How to submit

  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Clone your repository to your local machine using Github desktop. If asked, choose ‘for your own use’.
  3. Create a folder inside exercise/ called solution. Put all your answers there. Use the following filenames:
    • For the part 1
    • For the part 2
    • For the part 3
    • images: Store your images here
  4. Commit and push to your fork.
  5. Issue a pull request to submit.
  6. Your pull request description should contain the following:
    • (0 to 3) I/We completed the exercises
    • (1 to 5) I/We feel good about our output
    • Anything you want to say!


We completed the exercises: 3
We feel good about our output: 4
My math equations are not rendering properly.